Installing Trinity

Installing Trinity


Note:​​ The procedure is adapted from​​ GitHub. All commands to be entered into​​ the terminal are marked in gray.


Downloading​​ the latest Trinity software to a Linux server, then simply type


in the base installation directory. This should build Inchworm​​ and Chrysalis, both written in C++. Butterfly should not require any special compilation, as its written in Java and already provided as portable precompiled software, but​​ Java-1.8​​ (or higher) is required.​​ 


Installing Java

sudo apt-get update &&​​ apt-get upgrade​​    # Updates Ubuntu linux

sudo apt-get install default-jdk     # Installs default JDK

java –version       # to check java version


Note:​​ Trinity-v2.8 and onward, cmake is required for building the software.


C++ compiler (supporting C++11)​​ and “make” must first be installed.​​ 

sudo apt update      # updates the repositories

sudo apt install build-essential     # installs essential packages

Run the “bootstrap” script you find in the source directory of CMake. You can use the “--help” option to see the supported options. You may use the “--prefix=<install_prefix>“ option to specify a custom installation directory for CMake. You can run the “bootstrap” script from within the CMake source directory or any other build directory of your choice.​​ Once this has finished successfully, run “make” and “make install”. ​​ In summary execute the following commands.

sudo​​ wget​​

# downloads the cmake package

tar xf cmake-3.4.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz # extracts the archive

cd cmake-3.4.1-Linux-x86_64 # move in to the extracted directory

./bootstrap && make && make install # running bootstrap, make and install

export PATH="`pwd`/cmake-3.4.1-Linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH"​​  # setting path

# save it in ~/.bashrc if needed

which cmake​​  # will tell where cmake is installed

If you want to install Trinity in a central location (not required), you can​​ make install​​ and it'll copy the software package to /usr/local/bin/trinityrnaseq-version. You can set the environmental variable​​ TRINITY_HOME to point to the above location, which will make it easy to access both Trinity as well​​ as supported downstream applications that come bundled with Trinity.


export TRINITY_HOME=”path to trinity installation directory”


You can put the above command in your ~/.bashrc file so it'll be available to you by default.


Afterwards, you may want​​ to build the additional plugin components that provide support for downstream analyses in which case you would then type:


make plugins


Additional tools required for running Trinity include:


Installing bowtie2

sudo wget --no-check-certificate

sudo unzip​​

cd  ​​​​ bowtie2-

sudo make && sudo make install


Installing jellyfish

sudo wget –no-check-certificate​​

tar -xvzf​​ jellyfish-2.2.10.tar.gz

cd  ​​​​ jellyfish-2.2.10


sudo make &&​​ sudo​​ make install


  • salmon​​ (Trinity can work without salmon but the run will be​​ considerably slow)


Salmon Needs Boost C++ libraries

Installing Boost

Method 1

sudo wget –no-check-certificate​​


sudo unzip

cd ​​ boost_1_69_0

sudo​​ ./

sudo ./b2 install

Set PATH to bin of Boost installation


Method 2

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev


Salmon also needs Threading Building Blocks (TBB)

Installing​​ Threading Building Blocks

sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev

Installing Salmon

sudo wget --no-check-certificate

mv v0.12.0-alpha.tar.gz Salmon0.12.0-alpha.tar.gz

tar -xvzf​​ Salmon0.12.0-alpha.tar.gz

cd  ​​​​ Salmon0.12.0-alpha

cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/Home_DIR_of_boost_1_69_0_installed_earlier/

sudo make

sudo make install